PT  |  EN

The Court of Auditors Magazine invites the national and international academic and scientific community to submit Articles/Papers/Studies to be published in its next issues.

The language of the texts to be published are Portuguese and English.

Articles should be sent to the email address ( and should be accompanied by a short biographical note about the author (up to 5 lines of text, identifying the name, position or function).

Articles/Papers/Studies texts section should have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 40 pages, written using Times New Roman font in size 12 with 1.5 line spacing for the body text, and size 10 with single line spacing for the footnotes.

The title of the Articles/Papers/Studies should be presented at the beginning of the text using the same font in bold formatting, in portuguese and other language (english) or on the contrary when the study is published in other language.

Below the title, on the right-hand side, should appear the name and surname of the author (indicating in a footnote his/her academic degree and/or professional field).

Before the main body of text there must be a "Table of contents” indicating the study headings with up to a maximum of three sub-headings per heading, in portuguese and other language (english) or on the contrary when the study is published in other language.

The “Summary” / “Abstract” must be presented in portuguese and english or on the contrary when the study is published in other language;

If the work is divided into distinct headings, the first-level headings should be presented in capital letters, numbered with Roman numerals, followed by a period (I., II, III., etc.). Periods must not be used at the end of the headings, whatever the level. Second-level headings should be identified by a capital letter followed by a period (A., B., C., etc.). Third-level headings should be identified by a lower case letter followed by a closing parenthesis [a), b), c), etc.] and fourth-level headings by a number followed by a closing parenthesis [1), 2), 3), etc.].

Notes should always be presented as footnotes.

Bibliographic references should be formated according to the following rules:

  1. Book: SURNAME, Name of author(s) - Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, Year, page/s;
  2. Book chapter: SURNAME, Name of author(s) - «Title of contribution/chapter». In Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year, Page/s;
  3. Magazine article: SURNAME. Name of author(s) - «Title of article». In Title of journal. Place of publication. ISSN. Vol., No., Year and Page/s;
  4. Websites: SURNAME, Name of author(s) - Title of document. [consulted on: date of consultation]. Available at: Internet address.

The works to be published will be selected by the Director of the Magazine upon proposal by the Executive Coordinator and will observe the following criteria regarding their content:

  • The text must be related to the theme of the Magazine, namely, the activities of the Court of Auditors, as well as the legal and economic-financial related areas. The text must be original and unpublished and must not be under evaluation by another publication.
  • The quality, objectivity and correctness of the written text will be assessed.

The selected articles will be published without altering the content, and the concepts and opinions expressed will be the sole responsibility of their authors.

The names and addresses provided will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.